When Your Child’s Preschool Teacher Gives You Bad News
A mom tells her story: “It was a day just like any other. I walked into my child’s preschool classroom to help him hang his jacket and snack box on the hook in his cubby. As I leaned in to kiss him goodbye, the classroom teacher approached. “Good morning, Tommy! How are you today? Go ahead and a wash your hands and choose an activity, ‘K?” Then, turning to me, “Could I talk to you for a few minutes in the hallway?” In a quiet alcove just outside the classroom, the teacher began. “We have a few...
Read MoreChild Development Resources: Where to look for support in the early years
Katy was fascinated by her baby’s development. She carefully observed every new skill and developmental milestone, celebrated her son’s trajectory and diligently sought answers to her questions from a number of sources including books, magazines and websites. She was pleased to see that her son was right on track, if not a little ahead of the curve on most developmental markers. Katy had faithfully consulted the book, What to Expect When You are Expecting throughout her pregnancy and had come...
Read MoreChildren’s Amazing Capabilities
Your child did incredible things in school today. Much was required of her and she rose to the occasion, meeting and surpassing expectations. As she prepared to enter the school building this morning, she knew exactly where to line up and what she needed to carry with her. Perhaps she even knew her precise position in line: in front of number 16 and behind number 14. She stopped playing, turned off her voice and was swallowed up behind the doors before you turned away, confident that she would...
Read MoreResponsive Interaction Between an Infant and Her Mother
This video recently appeared on my Facebook feed and I find it to be one of the most beautiful recordings of responsive interaction between an infant and her mother I have ever seen. I cannot understand the words the mother is speaking any more than I can decipher the meaning behind the baby’s utterances, yet it is obvious that they are participating in what has been labeled a “serve and return” interaction. Watching this video shows the viewer that communication can transcend language. What...
Read MoreCounting Developmentally

Have you ever stopped to really listen and observe when a young child is counting? Children learn the order of numbers first and can rattle off 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! with hardly a glance at anything or a thought given to the purpose of counting. Try giving a four year old a pile of M&Ms and tell her that she can eat 10 of them. The child may say the numbers from 1 to 10 in order while moving the M&Ms from pile to pile but end up with 8 or 12 M&Ms in the pile she wants...
Read MoreOne to One Correspondence

One to what? What kind of teacher jargon is that? One to one correspondence is the phrase we use to describe the matching of numbers to objects, or objects to objects. Let’s say we have three cookies. We can point to each cookie while saying the corresponding number: 1, 2, 3… or we can match each cookie with two friends. Both are one to one correspondence. Examples in a child’s world include: – counting objects while pointing to each one -counting objects while...
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